Ethan Cannelongo


My creativity and passion for directing, producing and editing professional videos and documentaries have allowed me to create beautiful and engaging projects that have a lasting impact on the lives of others.

Featured Videos

The Give Water Project Documentary

The Give Water Project is a gospel-centered initiative that serves various unreached villages around India and Nepal to provide clean drinking water through the construction of water wells.  This effort protects marginalized, low-caste people groups from water-borne illnesses and restores their hope in the name of Jesus.  This initiative creates opportunities to plant churches and make disciples of Jesus Christ in these remote areas. I had the privilege of traveling to many of these villages, speaking with individuals who have been both physically and spiritually impacted from these water wells, recording their testimonies, and creating this documentary to share how this ministry is advancing the great commission.


October, 2024

Genesis of Hope Documentary

Genesis of Hope is a ministry dedicated to taking action against the rising poverty crisis in India by establishing “Hope” children centers around the country. These centers provide essential education and skill training to children who otherwise wouldn’t have access to learning opportunities, helping children realize their potential and God given purpose. Within these dark and often hostile environments, Genesis of Hope brings the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into these communities. I had the opportunity to work closely with Genesis of Hope and create this documentary to show the work the Lord is doing in and through this ministry.


October, 2024

Streets of India and COI

Through the partnership of Streets of India non-profit (located in Spain) and Cooperative Outreach of India, this education center was birthed to provide hope, light and opportunities to the children of India. I was given the opportunity to create and speak in this video, sharing the impact this project from Streets of India has had on this community, with a call to action on how more support can help deepen the impact of this project and reach more children.

Delhi, India

September 2024

The Vision of Lighthouse Delhi

Lighthouse Delhi is an ongoing project to build a facility to train and equip pastors and spiritual leaders of the next generation, right in the heart of India. I had the blessing of capturing this vision during my time serving with the Reach South Asia ministry in India.

Delhi, India

September, 2024

Love Initiative

During my time serving in India, I had the blessing of being part of the Love initiative, a regular, open mic event open for anyone in the area to join, which has a mission to grow relationships and strengthen community with the people in these cities, ultimately creating a open door to share the gospel. My main focus was to recap these event through videography, from flyer distribution to performances and lastly the biblical message


July - October 2024

Nirmal Sanskar Project

As an initiative to fight the poverty that is prevalent all throughout India, the Nirmal Sanskar Project provides food and resources to the poor such as through feeding programs. I had the blessing to create this video documentary to share the impact, vision, and mission of the Nirmal Sanskar Project.

Delhi, India

August, 2024

The LÜM Project

The LÜM Project is a mission to come alongside impoverished and exploited women in the villages of Guatemala, to make an impact to provides dignity, courage, empowerment and hope for the women, through providing them opportunities to use their talents of weaving as a way to generate income for their families. The LÜM Project opens the door to walk with these women spiritually, impacting generations for eternity. While serving in Guatemala, I had the blessing of capturing this beautiful mission through the perspective of the women who have been impacted.


April, 2024

House of Hope

Located in Guatemala, House of Hope is an orphanage for young children that was started in the honor of Hope Mackenzie Herman, and now is a thriving ministry making a difference in the lives of many children. I had the blessing of serving with this ministry during my time in Guatemala, and one of the ways I could serve this ministry was sharing the story of House of Hope through this documentary.


April, 2024

Finca Isabelle

Finca Isabelle is a beautiful farm land nestled in the mountains of Guatemala, that is dedicated to Isabelle Herman who passed away due to cancer. I was given the opportunity to create this documentary to share the story and future vision to build a girls school on this finca land.


April, 2024